I got better feedback than from any other consultants team I worked with. Believe me I had my share, from all the big consultancy companies 🙂
To have a good work from home environment (and we all know we need it in 2020) you need to follow some simple rules.
Get a good team of rubber ducks and other rubber animals. If you get stuck always explain first the problem to the “consultants” and then go to some internet forum or blog and ask stupid questions. This is the so called “Rubber duck technique”
Try to have an office space inside the house. I always had an office space in all the places I ever lived. Maybe because I was always a geek that seems natural but I was amazed that this is an exception not a rule.
Try to know when to stop. Do not transform “work from home” into “live at work”.
Communicate a lot: Zoom, Slack, Skype, Meetup, Meet etc. I have 2 daily remote stand-ups with my team 🙂 and bug a lot of people on all the mentioned communication tools.
Have a beer on the balcony if going out is not so safe ( 2020 again ).
Go hard on social in your spare time (blog, twitter …)
Spend more time with your family, see this as an opportunity.